Spencer Stone

Supervisor / Lead Mechanic
  • sstone@hhhauto.com
  • (405) 641-5382
  • P.O. Box 94403 Oklahoma City, OK 73143

Spencer Stone

As the founder of His Helping Hands Automotive, Spencer devotes his energy leading a team of mechanics and spending time interacting with the community we serve daily.

Spencer spent over 15 years at Smith International, a division at Schlumberger, building a record-breaking team and helping other teams around the nation deliver quality inspection services.

Spencer and his wife, Jessica, have been married for 20 years and have three children. In 2018, Spencer went from life-flighted off the scene of a motorcycle accident to being walked out of the hospital less than 24 hours later. In the process of healing God also began healing his heart and drawing him in closer for a radically different relationship! After the birth of their middle child their daughter was in various ICUs for 180 days. It was the irrational generosity of others during that time that helped birth His Helping Hands Automotive.

His favorite bible verse is “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 NIV. This particular verse has carried him through many trials as he stood in faith asking God for what might have seemed impossible.